Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Secret To True Wealth and How Nature's Balance Is Holding You Back

The secret to true wealth means changing the natural balance of society. In this post, I will identify the natural forces that allow only 3 out 100 people to ever become rich. I will then show you that wealth is within your reach, but you must be willing to claim it. For true success does not happen by chance but by choice.

Talk to any expert in wealth creation and they will confirm that only about 3% of the population will ever become wealthy. As in most things in nature, there is a necessary balance in place for the machinery of society to continue running. We all have our parts to play and it is unfortunate for the 97% of people required to work hard only to see the few get rich. Just imagine, what kind of world this would be without our teachers, police officers, nurses, and so forth?

Social Conditioning From Start to Finish

Wealth eludes you, not because you are lazy or incapable but because this balance is a part of your conditioning from birth. Your parents are your first and most influential financial advisors. And as much as you love them, probably not the best choice. For if they were, you could be living off a trust fund and not in the current situation you find yourself in now. Then there are your first 12 years of education. How much of a financial education did you receive? Not to mention wealth creation? You then head off to college to learn how to get a job so you can work to make someone else rich. And during the 40-50 years of earning a living, how close will you get to financial freedom?

How Much Is Fear Costing You

Staying in the 97% comfort zone can be traced to three major faults. Fear, mindset and accountability. Fear starts with your need to be accepted. Your fear of failure, rejection and humiliation if you stand out from the crowd. Avoiding pain and disappointment is a deceptive and risky choice. It may feel safe and comfortable for now, but you risk to lose a better and brighter future. To ensure your success you must be willing to take a risk to escape the natural balance of things.

Change Your Mind

Crowd psychology shows us that the minds of a group merge to form a way of thinking. If your mindset is thinking as an employee like the 97% group, you must gravitate towards successful people in order to start thinking and acting like a successful person. And though everything begins in your mind, it is not enough to believe you will be successful, you must know you are.

Who Is Responsible For Your Success

As an employee you are accountable to your boss. And you know there are consequences to your actions. Try not showing up to work for a few days and see if you still have a job when you return. It is surprising to see how many people starting a business don't show up to work and wonder why they failed? Unless you have someone that will hold you accountable, the only person that must take responsibility for you becoming wealthy, is you. To be successful at anything, you must hold yourself accountable to doing what needs to be done and know there are consequences. It all starts with having a clear vision of your dream, taking positive action towards that dream and staying focused until it becomes a reality.

Start Taking Action Today

Even though there is a necessary balance in our world that keeps 97% of the population dreaming about wealth, you have the choice to separate yourself from the crowd. Stop worrying about what your friends and family think, because you have more to lose if you don't take control of your life. Stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like a millionaire. But most important you need to take action and hold yourself accountable to taking the necessary steps towards your success. For the secret to true wealth starts in taking action today.

To learn more on how to create true wealth so you can start living out your dreams visit:

Be at Peace
Your friend,

Gus Oliva

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